Monday, October 24, 2011

The Work

Last blog I wrote generally about life here. Now I will write about my work. We are working with LAGET. It is our job to visit high school's and collage's in Tønsberg area. We go to Larvik, Sandefjord, Stokke, Bø and other places also.

It is very exciting to visit groups here. They usually meet on lunch break and spend about half an hour praying, reading Bible and sometimes they have a speaker who is preaching. It is great to see young people meeting in schools and using their potential. Unfortunately, we cannot meet in schools or universitys in Serbia. I have noticed that people are really interested about Serbia and work there so most of time I talk about that. I never thought that all experience with wars, bombings, and spending hours in line for bread and milk will be use full one day . :)

Also, what I have noticed is that a lot of young people in Norway are very insecure. I meet people who have problems discovering what is meaning of life, is God loving them, is there love, etc. Many young people because of that search answers in drugs, alcohol, witchcraft, unmoral sexuality... I never thought that can be issue here. It teaches me that financial stability doesn't bring you peace. I new that in theory of course, but I also see it practically now. In Serbia young people usually have only one problem: Where to get money? But I guess, we all need Jesus and only he can fill are gap of emptiness!

OK, I am done with preaching now :)
Hope you will read it and I expect comments...

P.S. I hope soon I will put some pictures to my blog. It is very funny that we are in Tonsberg for one month and we didn't take a single picture! haha...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The "Utlending"

Hey everybody!
It's been 2 weeks since we come hear and finally I got some time to write my blog. Don't worry, I wont write about every single thing that I did in this 2 weeks :)

I'm writing this from student library at campus. When we talk about cultural shock, I have to mention this. Library is equipped with about 60 great computers, with fast Internet and 21 inch monitors. Its just great! You wouldn't see this in Serbia :)

What we do hear in Tønsberg is visiting LAGET school groups. They usually meet for 30 minutes during lunch break. Sometimes I talk to them or just read Bible and pray. Its been great experience so far.

Also we were in Oslo last weekend on internationall student camp. They called us one week before and asked if we wont to join. We said yes, and then the guy said: OK, then you will be main speakers on camp!  It was shock at first but in the end it was a great experience. We talked about Christianity in Serbia, about why are we Christians and about Evangelising. It was fun doing that. Also, group was great! I meet a lot of great people!

Also, Ivan and I have joined a local football team! We were this Monday on our first practice. I even scored on the game. Only problem is that it was an own goal. I think that  they will kick me out of club if I continue with great performances like that. :)

I forgot to say that we have great boss (contact person) Kjetil, who is taking really good care about us. He took us shopping in Sweden. HARY TOUR !!!   :) It was very good. I think we bouth enough meet until Christmas.

That's it for now. I will try to update my blog more often.