Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The "Utlending"

Hey everybody!
It's been 2 weeks since we come hear and finally I got some time to write my blog. Don't worry, I wont write about every single thing that I did in this 2 weeks :)

I'm writing this from student library at campus. When we talk about cultural shock, I have to mention this. Library is equipped with about 60 great computers, with fast Internet and 21 inch monitors. Its just great! You wouldn't see this in Serbia :)

What we do hear in Tønsberg is visiting LAGET school groups. They usually meet for 30 minutes during lunch break. Sometimes I talk to them or just read Bible and pray. Its been great experience so far.

Also we were in Oslo last weekend on internationall student camp. They called us one week before and asked if we wont to join. We said yes, and then the guy said: OK, then you will be main speakers on camp!  It was shock at first but in the end it was a great experience. We talked about Christianity in Serbia, about why are we Christians and about Evangelising. It was fun doing that. Also, group was great! I meet a lot of great people!

Also, Ivan and I have joined a local football team! We were this Monday on our first practice. I even scored on the game. Only problem is that it was an own goal. I think that  they will kick me out of club if I continue with great performances like that. :)

I forgot to say that we have great boss (contact person) Kjetil, who is taking really good care about us. He took us shopping in Sweden. HARY TOUR !!!   :) It was very good. I think we bouth enough meet until Christmas.

That's it for now. I will try to update my blog more often.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds as if you're having a great time in Norway :) Hehe and that you're becoming more like norwegians like going on a Harry tour is something even I haven't done yet :P
    Hope you and Ivan are ok :)

  3. Hey! What is your blog adress? Hehe,you don't know what are you missing with hary tour. We even bought kangaro meat! :)

  4. Funny to read! Sounds like you are enjoying yourselves! Good that you were speakers in a camp, and that you have been on "Harry"-trip.

  5. My blog adress is :)

  6. Hey!
    I'm reading your blog! I've heard theat you met my brother, Even.. If you want to you must ask if you can come to our place, he would probably like it!
    Have a nice stay in fantastic Vestfold. God bless!

  7. Thanks for comments everybody!
    It encourages me to blog more!

    Ola, yes I met your brother and we were speaking at his school last on Friday. I will see him tomorow probably and thaen I will invite myself althought that is very non Serbian and unpolite there but I have to practice Norwgain culture :)

  8. Is anybody reading this? Klart det, jeg og Maria leser. Vi har høytlesning på kjøkkenet faktisk. Så for å si det sånn, vi leser ;) Keep up the good work!
